Mullin meets Eurynome, a former Cherub working in Pandemonium's Justice Department. He is impressed by her professionalism but she quickly confuses him by making strange faces. He then discovers she is a secret pervert who likes young boys; though she insists it is just a hobby and she only watches from a distance. Astaroth tries to flirt with her but she is completely immune to him, until she imagines what he would look like as a child and becomes excited. Sargatanas arrives to collect Astaroth only to punish him for mentioning her flat chest. Beelzebub wants to go on another date with Mullin and is overjoyed when he wins movie tickets and invites her, though he believes her enthusiasm is because she really wants to see the movie. Beelzebub is too excited and stays awake all night while Mullin spends all night worrying about whether seeing a movie counts as a date and catches a cold...